Four Reasons You Should not DIY Your Bathroom Refinishing Project

Four Reasons You Should not DIY Your Bathroom Refinishing Project

Bathroom renovations are one of the most expensive upgrades to our homes. So the temptation is to try and do-it-yourself. While we admire the can-do attitude of DIYrs and are always impressed with their projects, there are some tasks that are just best left up to the professionals. One of those tasks is bathroom refinishing. Bathroom refinishing done correctly with a professional quality that lasts is a very challenging thing to do. Here are just some of the reasons why you should leave this project to the professionals:


  1. The Chemical Refinishing Projects Are Dangerous


Some of the products used in bathroom refinishing are very toxic. In fact, the CDC has even warned people against trying to DIY bathtubs themselves because of the toxic chemicals present in bathtub stripping agents. These strippers contain methylene chloride which presents a variety of health risks. They are unfortunately necessary to get the perfectly smooth like-new finish of a bathtub restoration. So it is just best to leave this process to the professionals who have the protective equipment and know-how to keep your home safe.


  1. Bathroom Refinishing Is A Big Job


Watching YouTube instructionals make refinishing seem like a simple afternoon project. You strip, prep, and paint the surface, that’s it. Sounds easy enough. However, refinishing the surfaces in your bathroom is a large job that is very labor intensive. The tricks they are showing may be quick, but the results will be disastrous and definitely will not last a long time. The reality is to refinish a large surface like a bathtub, shower walls, or wall tile is a very large endeavor. A team of professionals can knock this out quickly, but between work, kids, and your other duties, you may be stuck with an unfunctional bathroom for weeks.


  1. Professional Finishes Require Professional Skills


Even the most skilled DIYrs struggle with getting a great finish on their bathroom surfaces. That’s because they often do not have the skills and knowledge base to ensure the processes are correct. If you want a truly professional finish that will last for years to come, it’s best to work with a team that understands how to do it. At CDH Resurfacing Solutions, we’ve cleaned up our fair share of botched refinishing jobs, so we definitely recommend skipping this costly and frustrating step.


  1. DIY Costs More


The number one reason people DIY bathroom refinishing is because they are being cost-conscious. However, DIY refinishing often ends up costing more money than working with a professional. Not only do you have to buy all the refinishing products, you also have to buy all the tools to get the job right. Then if you make even a small mistake, you may have to redo it to get a good result. Not to mention, those mistakes could lead to your home value decreasing. It all just adds up. Working with a professional is more affordable and probably costs less than you may think.


At CDH Resurfacing Solutions our professionals are here to help. We’ll work with you to get the perfect finish that you dreamed. Give us a call to learn why working with a professional on this home project is the best idea.