Why Convert To A Walk In Tub?

Why Convert To A Walk In Tub?

Conversion to a walk in tub is something that you’ve perhaps considered, but you just haven’t made the moves to start the project yet. Walk in tubs install a water tight door onto your existing tub, allowing you to open the door and step through rather than stepping over the ledge of the tub to get in. There are a number of reasons to opt for a walk in tub, and many benefits that some may not realize until their walk-in tub conversion project is complete. 

5 Benefits Of A Walk In Tub Conversion 

To outline some of these benefits, it’s good to start with a simple handful to remember and draw from. The top 5 benefits of a walk in tub conversion are: 

  1. Combating limited mobility – For those with compromised mobility, a walk in tub can create a safe and simple solution to everyday bathing and showering. Balance conditions or limited mobility for any reason can make stepping into a traditional tub difficult, particularly if your tub features high walls. With a walk in tub, you simply open the door and the tub can be used with walkers, wheelchairs, or carefully on foot.
  2. Easy hydrotherapy – Hydrotherapy can help with a number of conditions, but it’s impossible to have its benefits at home if you’re unable to use the tub you have. A walk-in tub can eliminate the safety issues associated with a standard tub, but still allow you to experience all of the benefits of hydrotherapy at home. Walk in tub conversions are water-tight, and still allow the tub to be filled with water for any hydrotherapy needs.
  3. Avoid costly and dangerous falls – Falls aren’t just dangerous, they’re also costly. On average, a slip and fall accident in the tub can cost as much as $35,000 if the fall results in a hospital visit. A walk in tub conversion can save you a great deal of time, pain, and money by helping you to avoid these slips altogether.
  4. Allowing you to age in place – Converting your home to a safer space allows today’s seniors to age in place, rather than having to give up their homes to live in senior care facilities. A walk in tub conversion can help seniors to retain their independence and retain their homes.
  5. Hygiene made simple – Whether it’s a bath or shower, hygiene is important to overall health. When using a tub or shower is difficult, it may lead individuals to skipping their hygiene routines simply due to the hassles they cause. Walk in tub conversions help to keep hygiene routines easy and safe. 

Conversions For Any Tub 

No matter your tub, our professionals can help to make your home safer with the walk in tub conversion you need. With all of the benefits of walk in tub conversions, these can be life changing for the homeowners who invest in them. If you’re interested in a walk in tub conversion, contact our professionals at CDH Resurfacing Solutions today.